Publication costs
In order to publish an article in the journal authors are required to pay the cost of publication. Payment covers the complete charge of the article publication process including editing, peer review, long term archiving on the website of the publisher, placement in international scientific data bases, assignment of DOI (Digital Objective Identifier) articles, allows immediate access to the full text versions of the submitted articles.
The journal do not charge any fees from authors on submission of manuscript as well as do not charge fees from users to read the online content.
The cost of the publication is 300 Euro. Author/s may withdraw an article before the review process is completed. Withdrawal of article is not allowed after it is processed for publication. There is no charge for withdrawal of an article.
The mode of payment is communicated by the Editorial Office after the due acceptance of the paper for publication.
The journal does not refund the article processing charges once an article has been accepted and published.
For more details on article processing charges, please contact us at: