Perspective directions of development of the state policy on preservation and strengthening of reproductive health in Ukraine
state policy, reproductive health, family, womenAbstract
Improving access to family planning and reproductive health services around the world can help prevent maternal death and reduce unwanted pregnancies. Approximately 295,000 women die each year from complications during pregnancy and childbirth. This situation is observed in almost all low- and middle-income countries. Access to family planning and reproductive health services is crucial for the health of women and children around the world. About a third of maternal deaths could be avoided each year if women who did not want to become pregnant had access to and used effective contraception. Worldwide, 218 million women have an unmet need for modern contraception. Governments in developed countries have been supporting global efforts for more than 50 years to promote and maintain reproductive health worldwide. Evidence suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected access to reproductive health services, causing some disruptions in basic services and leading to approximately 1.4 million unplanned pregnancies. Reducing the workload and providing access to basic services provided by global programs during the ongoing pandemic is a constant challenge for the global community. The quality and volume of reproductive health services have improved significantly over the last decade. However, support and expansion of reproductive health measures should remain a public policy priority, and proactive primary health care should be central to preventive measures, as poor reproductive health has a major impact on mortality, morbidity and well-being in general, and lead to significant expenditures on health care and local government budgets. The above testifies that the formation and preservation of reproductive health necessitates the increase of efficiency of medical care, provision of the appropriate level of social security, which will ultimately ensure the development of the Ukrainian nation and sustainable development of the state.
The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the state policy on the preservation of reproductive health and to develop practical recommendations for improving its implementation.
Results and conclusions. It is established that the issue of forming conscious parenthood should become one of the priority tasks that require a comprehensive solution and the formation of a balanced public policy. The formation of responsible and conscious parenting should begin in the school years, as this problem is closely intertwined with reproductive health issues and will ultimately have a significant impact on the overall public health of the Ukrainian nation. The article out-lines the priority areas for the development of state policy on reproductive health in Ukraine.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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