Antenatal care of the fetus (clinical lecture)




antenatal care of the fetus, pre-pregnancy training, primary and secondary prevention of congenital malformations, bad habits, pregnancy, fetal alcohol syndrome, nutrition during pregnancy, sex during pregnancy, perinatal fetal psychology


The demographic situation in Ukraine indicates a deep demographic crisis. Although most couples want to have children, they often postpone this event to a later reproductive period. But no doubt every couple wants to have a healthy baby. An important measure to help women conceive and bear a healthy child is effective pre-pregnancy training to maintain and rehabilitate the reproductive health of the couple, with a special focus on preventing possible complications at the planning stage of pregnancy.

Among the main factors influencing the health of the population, WHO identifies lifestyle. Therefore, already at the stage of planning a pregnancy, the important point is to give up bad habits, physical activity, nutrition and effective organization of sexual life. Nutritional deficiency of vitamins and traditional seasonality of nutrition in Ukraine often do not allow to ensure a full micronutrient status in the body of future parents, especially in the winter3spring period of the year. Therefore, the use of multivitamin complexes, including folic acid, is important for the people of Ukraine, both during pre-pregnancy preparation and during pregnancy, and then during lactation.

In order to eliminate any pathology that may harm the expectant mother and her child, the couple must be rationally examined and rehabilitated during pre-pregnancy preparation. Also, expectant parents should avoid any harmful effects on their body, both at work and at home. Secondary prevention of morbidity and mortality of mother and child is early prenatal diagnosis, which is now actively developing in the world and in Ukraine. An equally important aspect of antenatal protection of the fetus is the formation of the psychological health of the future person. Therefore, the introduction of physiopsychoprophylactic training of each couple for the birth of a child with the involvement of perinatal psychologists is extremely important in modern conditions.

No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.


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