Strategy for the development of modern higher medical education




medical education, information technologies, distance education


Today, the role of information and telecommunications systems in any area of life is growing. Modern medical education involves a combination of conventional education of students with simulation training, distance learning and the use of information technology. This is a difficult period of life for the skin participant in the illuminating sphere. This is a difficult period of life for every participant in the institution of higher education. Nowadays, the use of innovative educational technologies will facilitate the presentation and visualization of materials, contribute to memorization of information and make the educational process easier and more interesting. Digital skills have become a necessary additional component for any scientist, modern educator and practicing physician of almost all specialties.

Purpose - to analyze the state of modern problems, opportunities and ways of development in higher medical school during the transformation of society period using digital intelligence.

The article presents the experience of medical training at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Odessa National Medical University in modern conditions. Taking into consideration that the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a well-equipped clinical department of the university, it has become customary not only to participate in various international conferences, communication platforms, webinars and videoconferences, but also to organize and conduct videoconferences, master classes with demonstration of operations in real-time mode, the so-called «live surgery». Post-graduate studies of specialists are one of the key priority of the university. Improvements in practical skills are provided in high-tech simulation centers. But there is needed to ensure academic mobility, choice of training bases, improved work of internship bases for internship doctors and the organization of training in the practical part of the internship training. However, the transformation of the medical industry requires a reform of the educational process in medical education institutions.

No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.


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