Analysis of perinatal outcomes in women with a threat of miscarriage in the first trimester depending on the fact of retrochorial hematoma formation
pregnancy, miscarriage, retrochorial hematoma, preeclampsia, perinatal consequences, placental dysfunction, premature birthAbstract
Purpose - to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed personalized approach to the management of patients with a threat of miscarriage in the first trimester depending on the fact of the formation of a retrochorial hematoma (RCH) in order to prevent the occurrence of preeclampsia (PE) in them.
Materials and methods. A prospective analysis of the course of pregnancy and childbirth was conducted in 137 women with a threat of pregnancy aged from 20 to 47 years (the Group I - 60 patients with RCH, the Group II - 77 patients with a threat of termination of pregnancy without hematoma). Bibliosemantic analysis was used in the study; estimated anthropometric data; an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed to study hormone levels; polymerase chain reaction was used to determine polymorphisms of thrombophilia and angiogenesis genes; instrumental - to assess the condition of the fetus (ultrasound diagnosis of the fetus with Doppler blood flow of the umbilical artery, uterine arteries, middle cerebral arteries, non-stress test).
Results. The average age of women of the Group I was 31.2±0.6 (95% CI: 30.0-32.4) years, of the Group II - 32.2±0.6 (95% CI: 31.0-33.3) of the year (p=0.243 according to the t-criterion). According to the Alberta Perinatal Health Program (APHP) adapted perinatal risk scale, 21 (35.0%) and 36 (46.7%) patients were assigned to the low perinatal risk group, respectively, and 30 (50.0%) medium risk) and 32 (41.5%) women, and to the high-risk group - 9 (15.0%) and 9 (11.7%) at p>0.05. During the treatment and observation of women with a threat of miscarriage in the first trimester, the developed treatment algorithm was followed: stabilization of the hematoma, reduction of myometrial tone, hormonal support of pregnancy with further determination of the need for the use, dose and duration of low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) in combination with aspirin. Differences between the Groups I and II revealed by means of a comparative analysis made it possible to outline the clinical and anamnestic factors that can serve as predictors of the development of PE in women with RCH.
Conclusions. The occurrence of RCH at the stage of early placentation increases the risks of developing placental dysfunction and obstetric complications related to it. The early appointment of aspirin (up to 12 weeks) in women with a high risk of developing PE allows to reduce the synthesis of platelets and thromboxane while preserving the synthesis of prostacyclin in the vascular wall in the initial stages of placentation. The combination of aspirin with the use of LMWH in women with the presence of genetic polymorphisms of candidate genes for thrombophilia and angiogenesis prevents the delay in the onset of uteroplacental circulation and promotes full placentation. A personalised approach to the management of pregnancy in women with a threat of termination due to the formation of RCH in the first trimester of pregnancy has made it possible to improve perinatal outcomes in the management of this category of pregnant women.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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