Risk factors for adenomyosis in women of reproductive age





endometriosis, adenomyosis, endometrium, etiopathogenesis, women


The problem of adenomyosis is of particular relevance to patients of reproductive age since these diseases are accompanied by significant violations of the menstrual and generative functions.

Aim - determine the risk factors for the development of adenomyosis in women of reproductive age in order to improve a complex pathogenetically based approach in the selection of treatment.

Materials and methods. Analysis of anamnestic data and examination of 90 women of reproductive age with adenomyosis, which made up the main group, was carried out. The control group - 30 gynecologically healthy non-pregnant women of reproductive age.

Results. The article provides data on the results of clinical-statistical analysis among reproductive-age women with the adenomyosis. The risk factors of development of adenomyosis in investigated group are determined. Those are: complicated heredity, high frequency of the clinical abortions, spontaneous miscarriages, pathological deliveries in the past. The low index of health is observed in such category of women: high sick rate of gynecological or extragenital pathology, 3 times higher frequency of child's and respiratory illnesses, the surgical intervention on uterus and ovarium promotes the progress of the endometriosis. That the most frequent clinical manifestations of adenomyosis are pain and hemorrhagic syndrome.

Conclusions. The clinical and statistical analysis of the examined patients made it possible to identify risk factors for the development of adenomyosis in women of reproductive age: burdened heredity (60%), unmarried and single women (58.5%); employees with intellectual and mental and neuropsychological stress (63.3%), high infection index, accompanying extragenital pathology (37.4%), menstrual cycle disorders (93.3%) and reduced reproductive and sexual function; aggravated gynecological history: chronic inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages (44.2%), pathology of the cervix (36.5%), artificial (66.6%) and involuntary (14.4%) abortions; intrauterine surgical interventions (76.3%).

The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.

No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.


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